Tips for Beginners on How to Learn Photography

Tzvi Lexier
2 min readJan 21, 2022


You’ve decided to pursue a career as a photographer and have spent the last few years planning how you’ll do it. Tzvi Lexier considers photography to be a fantastic method to communicate one’s unique perspective with others. There are a few things to consider if you want to improve your photography skills. This post will provide you some helpful hints on how to get started. Learning photography can be done in a variety of ways. Begin by following these basic instructions.

First and foremost, you should be familiar with the many styles of photography. This will assist you in making the best decision for your requirements. A good camera, according to Tzvi Lexier, will allow you to modify the settings to achieve the greatest results. Learn to use the exposure triangle as well. It’s critical to learn how to use the exposure triangle if you want to improve your photography. It will also assist you in taking better photos. However, keep in mind that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to photography.

Second, you must understand the many types of photography. There are many different types of classes, just as there are many different genres of photography. You should enroll in a photography course to help you improve your skills. If you can’t afford a course, there are a plethora of YouTube tutorials available that will teach you how to snap images. Finally, learning about the many genres of photography and the techniques required might be beneficial.

Finally, you must decide what type of photography you wish to pursue. Your unique style should influence the type of photography you choose. You might begin by photographing your family, friends, or the location you wish to visit. If you enjoy photographing nature, you can establish your own business or work in a studio. Photography may be a fulfilling career regardless of your style. You’ll probably discover that you have a passion for nature if you enjoy it.

As a beginner, you should try to master some of the fundamental composition rules. These guidelines will assist you in taking better images. The rule of thirds can aid in the creation of better photographs. Even if you’re a beginner, you should study the work of other professionals to better your own abilities. There’s no need to be a stickler for details. Aim to imitate and learn from their style. Tzvi Lexier advises that if you want to be a professional, you should put in a lot of practice time.



Tzvi Lexier

Planning vacations to East Coast national parks was a summer tradition at the Tzvi Lexier home. Because of these travels,